Saltwater Gear

Top 4 Permit Flies for Fly Fishing Southern Belize

Top 4 Permit Flies for Fly Fishing Southern Belize

Permit are regarded as one of the most challenging fish to catch in the sport of fly fishing. Their behavior, the often whimsical feeding patterns, is much less predictable than other flats species. This fact, coupled with their reliance on tides, is why permit have the reputation they have. Of course like all fish, they have their favorite foods; crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans. For years, pioneers like Lincoln Westby, Charlie Leslie, and Will Bauer have designed flies to elicit the fish’s feeding instinct.

Our Guide Boats: Fly Fishing from a Panga

Our Guide Boats: Fly Fishing from a Panga

All of the guides at Blue Horizon Belize use fishing boats called “pangas”. A panga is a Mexican style open fishing boat with a bimini top for shade and an outboard motor. Unlike a flats boat that might be common in the Bahamas or Florida, a Panga has larger sides that can withstand larger waves and rougher seas. Often times our fishing guides have to cross certain parts of the ocean where there is no reef with deep depths and these runs can have very choppy water if the winds are up. So with these pangas, the guides are able to safely boat through these areas.

Tarpon Fly Fishing in Belize [A Basic Guide]

Tarpon Fly Fishing in Belize [A Basic Guide]

Tarpon are one of the three fish species to make up the grand slam (permit and bonefish are the other two), they are known for their large size, long fights and rod busting runs and jumps. They are the king and queens of the flats. Catching and landing a tarpon on a fly is an accomplishment for every angler. After you hook one of these beasts the battle has just started and be ready to pour out all the energy you have as landing a tarpon is often harder than hooking a tarpon.

Southern Belize: The Best Destination to Fly Fish for a Grand Slam

Southern Belize: The Best Destination to Fly Fish for a Grand Slam

According to the International Gamefish Association (IGFA), “A “Grand Slam” is defined by an individual angler catching at least three of the eligible species within a category (shown below), per IGFA International Angling Rules. All catches must be made within one calendar day, and all past and present catches are eligible, provided they are properly documented.

Guide to Bonefishing in Belize

Guide to Bonefishing in Belize

Having a reef that spans the whole coastline of Belize, let’s just say there is plenty of fish habitat. It is a true saltwater angler’s paradise. One of the most common game fish to target on the fly in Belize is the bonefish. Also called the “ghost of the flats,” this species can be tricky at times but for the most part, a well-presented fly will always result in a hookup. Don’t underestimate the power of these fish either, once you have them on it’s common that they will take you to the backing.

Belize Fly Fishing - Tarpon Leader and Tippet Building 101

 Belize Fly Fishing - Tarpon Leader and Tippet Building 101

*Article from Ruth Simms as she prepares for an upcoming trip with Blue Horizon

The date is August 15th, 2019 and I’m a nerd. I’m actually a fly fishing nerd, and yes I use to watch star trek but that’s beside the point. On the 19th I will take a red-eye down to Atlanta, GA for a connection flight to BZE (Belize City) on the 20th. Being 4 days away from departure a rolodex of items not to forget flip through my mind. I keep thinking of my passport… I know it’s in that one drawer but I had better make sure today after I get home from work. Fishing wise I keep thinking to myself, “Ok the list of equipment on the Blue Horizon Belize at Thatch Caye Island Resort website says for tarpon a 30lb 9ft leader with 12-18 inches of 60, 80 pound shock tippet.” This suggestion has been whirling around in my head for the past 2 weeks.

Belize Barracuda Fly Fishing Opportunities

Belize Barracuda Fly Fishing Opportunities

Like many saltwater flats destinations in the world, barracuda are present year-round on the flats of Belize. A barracuda or commonly called “the wolf of the flats” they are a large, predatory ray-finned fish known for its fearsome appearance and aggressive behavior. Barracuda range in size from a couple pounds to 80 pounds and 6 feet in length. The larger ones are considered “Great Barracuda” and are more commonly encountered when diving or fishing at deeper depths. However, barracuda in the 20-40 pound class are common in the flats of Belize and can be effectively targeted with a fly rod.

Belize Saltwater Fly Fishing Gear Packing List

Belize Saltwater Fly Fishing Gear Packing List

So you have booked your fly fishing trip to Belize and are wondering what you might need to pack for your adventure. Here is some general information about what we suggest to pack for fly fishing in Belize.

Belize is a tropical country where the average temperature is 84, so expect this more or less most days of the year. While like any place in the world Belize does experience cold fronts and warm fronts so be sure to check the weather before heading to Belize. A lot of the time when you check the weather during the rainy season it says rain every day, well this may be true but these rainstorms only last for less than an hour.

3 Tips to Prepare for Your Saltwater Fly Fishing Trip in Belize

3 Tips to Prepare for Your Saltwater Fly Fishing Trip in Belize

Are you thinking about booking a fly fishing trip to Southern Belize? Or maybe you have booked your fly fishing adventure to Belize and want to make sure you are properly prepared to make the most out of your trip? A lot of anglers that come to fly fish Belize for the first time have minimal experience fly fishing the saltwater. Most are avid freshwater trout anglers that have dreams of catching a grand slam on the flats of Belize. So what are some tips to prepare yourself for your saltwater fly fishing adventure?

Wading Boots for Flats Fishing Belize

Wading Boots for Flats Fishing Belize

If you have booked a trip with Blue Horizon Belize, you have probably seen that we recommend bringing hard-soled saltwater wading boots. While this item is not essential especially if you are just going for one day, they do come in handy for certain scenarios out in the flats. It could make or break a day, especially for a beginner angler.

What to Wear on Your Flats Fly Fishing Trip in Belize

What to Wear on Your Flats Fly Fishing Trip in Belize

Most people that want to enjoy a day in the sun on a flats boat down in Belize would think of wearing maybe swim trunks or a bathing suit and lots of sunscreen. But, most people who have been in a flats boat for a full day or wading the flats for a full day know that if you just wear a swimsuit you’re probably going to look like a lobster by happy hour. While a swimsuit is perfect to wear as a “base layer” below you will find a general guide of recommended clothing and gear you need to bring for your permit fly fishing adventure in Belize.

Permit Fly Fishing 101 [With Basic Tips]

Permit Fly Fishing 101 [With Basic Tips]

…Our experienced guides greatly increase your chance of catching this tricky fish.

Basic Tips to Permit Fishing:

  1. Make sure you are confident and familiar with the gear you are using. Be sure to cast the fly rod prior to the trip or as soon as you get on the boat. You want to be able to cast the fly accurately into a dinner plate-sized target at about 40 feet.